Minnesota Live Adventure

VII - Lords of Deltora

The Story Line

The story thus far:

Long ago, in times past and nearly forgotten, there was a land. This land was called the Deltora Basin, a region of woodlands and rivers that held and still holds many secrets. It was a peaceful and quiet land mostly because it was completely empty of life. Then the gods of creation came together to create a race of beings to inhabit the land. Their creations have become the three tribes of Deltora Basin: the Guardians of Fel Spire, the Necrons, and Owlinn's People.

The original humans were a marauding clan who tried to settle on the lands and take over resources when their raider-leader brought the clan to Deltora. The Necrons, a tribe of now undead and ghastly creatures, were the most hatred tribe whose only real love in life is to make war with their nearest neighbors (or themselves if no one else is present). Their war-like feelings are only surpassed by their hatred of the Guardians of the Fel Spire. The Guardians of the Fel Spire are a noble tribe of magical creatures who love the land and all of the things that live in it.

A long, three-sided war broke out with each side struggling against the other two. One side would have another almost defeated, when the third side would then attack and reinforce the stalemate. But then, after much strife, a shaman from the Fel Spire, felt the anger of the gods of creation. He was able to stop his tribe from fighting in the war.

Owlinn the Just, Owlinn the Brave, and Owlinn the Foolhardy are just some of the names that have been pasted down over all these years. There was a mutiny amongst the humans and the faction led by the charismatic Owlinn was able to take control of the remaining human tribe and stop it from trying to control the resources. With a truce between Owlinn's People and the Fel Spire's Shaman, the tribes convinced the Necrons to back down and sign the truce. Owlinn has since died, but his line still leads the ex-raider clan. The Shaman is still alive, but aging. He usually speaks to the gods on behalf of the three tribes. The Necron leadership continues to get killed off by rivalries within the tribe, but eventually respawns so the strongest undead continues to own the controlling interest of the tribe.

The war never really ended, but an uneasy truce was struck. It has been many years since the fighting, but every year when the stars are once again in alignment, their light filters down though the rough canopy of the Deltora forest, calling to the three tribes to gather to sanctify the treaties under the light of their gods. On this night, each tribe sends its strongest warriors, most powerful mages, and most cunning rouges to fight for the honor of their god. In this way, the war continues, but without the violence and loss of life that so displeased the deities.

The objective is to fight and subdue each member of the opposing tribes. Each defeated opponent is placed in a prison cell for the great auctioning. The ultimate goal is to obtain the sacred relic of the opposing tribe, while keeping their own from falling under enemy control. When the stars fall out of alignment the game ends. The number of prisoners and relics are brought forth at the auctioning and traded for needed resources, labor and land. In this fashion each tribe can trade for necessities and without damaging their pride.

The time is nigh upon us,
You dare not be late,
For those who arrive before dusk,
The ultimate trials await.

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These web pages were updated November, 2009 by Jan David Fisher using Tanggaard SoftwareTSW WebCoder 2009

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